Source code for evolearn.algorithms.neat

#   ____  _      ___   _     ____   __    ___   _     #
#  | |_  \ \  / / / \ | |   | |_   / /\  | |_) | |\ | #
#  |_|__  \_\/  \_\_/ |_|__ |_|__ /_/--\ |_| \ |_| \| #
#                                                     #
#                  Chad Carlson - 2017                #

import MultiNEAT as mneat

[docs]class NEAT: """NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) Population Class. :param population_size: number of agents in the current simulation's population. :type population_size: int :param num_inputs: environment observation space. :type num_inputs: int :param num_outputs: environment action space. :type num_outputs: int """ def __init__(self, population_size, num_inputs, num_outputs): # Define the NEAT parameters self.params = mneat.Parameters() self.params.PopulationSize = population_size # Define the inputs, outputs of the neural network self.num_inputs = num_inputs self.num_outputs = num_outputs # Define the genome self.genome = mneat.Genome(0, self.num_inputs, 0, self.num_outputs, False, mneat.ActivationFunction.UNSIGNED_SIGMOID, mneat.ActivationFunction.UNSIGNED_SIGMOID, 0, self.params) # Define the population step = 0 self.pop = mneat.Population(self.genome, self.params, True, 1.0, step)
[docs] def single_evaluation(self, net, current_input): """ Evaluate agent phenotype network on current environment input. :param net: agent phenotype network. :param current_input: current environment observation. :return: network output """ net.Input(current_input) net.Activate() output = net.Output() return output